Collecting oysters to study the impact of the Gulf oil spill on the oyster microbiome
In this project funded by NSF's HBCU-RISE, we have obtained significant paradigm changing findings reported in PNAS.
The blurb for this project will go here, giving a short introduction to the page to come
In this project funded by ALCOAA, in which we obtained a comprehensive understanding on the impacts caused to soil microorganisms that likely cause loss in soil productivity.
In collaboration with Dr. Jason-Hall Spencer, Plymouth University, UK, we are obtaining critical findings on how acidified pH impacts microbial loop communities.
In this project, we are investigating the suite of bacterial communities that exist within the largely understudied oyster biome.
In this project, we have investigated the long-term effects of reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) on soil total bacteria and denitrifier bacterial communities.