Welcome to the Chauhan Laboratory, School of the Environment (SoE), Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL-32307
My research is spread over the following fundamental and applied areas:
1) Application of meta-omics techniques to better understand microbially-mediated environmentally-relevant functions. Some examples of ongoing research includes bioremediation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), heavy metals, and radionuclides;
2) Sustainable production of bacterial and/or microalgal-based biofuels and other value-added products;
3) Development of environmental diagnostic tools and bioindicators of ecosystem health, resilience and rehabilitation;
4) Host-microbiome associations in health and disease(s), using oysters and the human gut habitat as model ecosystems.
Join the Chauhan lab as an undergraduate or graduate student:
Graduate and undergraduate research assistantships are available for prospective students who are motivated and have appropriate research backgound in the areas of environmental microbiology and biotechnology.
Please contact Dr. Chauhan directly outlining your research interest, skills and background at:ashvini.chauhan@famu.edu or ashvini.chauhan@gmail.com
You can also call at 850-412-5119 to discuss the graduate or undergraduate application procedures at Florida A&M University’s School of the Environment.
Check out snapshots of recent research activities in the Chauhan lab: